In addition to your doctor, if you would like to speak to someone about COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy, there are several resources including:

  • The Parent Line, a free statewide confidential telephone line to help provide local parents with resources on child behavior, child development, parenting, caregiver support, and community resources.
    They may be reached Monday–Friday, 9am–7pm and Saturday-Sunday, 9am–2pm (HST).  They are closed on state holidays. Their phone number is (808) 526-1222 or toll-free at 1-800-816-1222. For more information, please visit
  • Mother To Baby, a national organization, whose experts are available to answer questions in English or Spanish by phone or chat. The free and confidential service is available Monday–Friday, 6am–3pm (HST).
    To reach Mother To Baby, call 1-866-626-6847, or visit

SOURCE: (The Parent Line) (Mother To Baby)

Updated 02/20/2022