It’s important to keep up on the latest reports of effectiveness, but it’s also a daunting task, given the flood of information (and misinformation) coming at us from so many directions.

Studies from around the world are showing the effectiveness of the vaccines and booster together in preventing serious symptoms, hospitalizations, and COVID-related death. Research shows people 12 and older who have received a bivalent booster are 15 times less likely to die from COVID-19 than people who have not been vaccinated. February 1, 2022, the CDC released a report showing COVID hospitalization rates were 23 times higher for unvaccinated people. Plus, the data showed that if you were up to date with your vaccines (including having a booster) your chances of being hospitalized fell even more.

SOURCES: (CDC) (CDC) (CDC) (Yale Medicine) (Center for Infectious Disease and Research Policy)

Updated 12/12/2022